Month: March 2014

Creative People

Creativity manifests itself in many ways and I am constantly amazed by the creativity of the Architects, Engineers, Landscape Architects, and Land Surveyors that I have the pleasure of working with every day. Each year our leadership team takes a couple of days to get away from the office to spend some quality time together […]

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Spring Forward

As I went through the annual ritual of “springing my clocks forward” this week I reflected on how much I enjoy this time of year. The warming temperatures over the past couple of days have been the icing on the cake. For me, the past 4 months have been a microcosm of the past 6 […]

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Sustainability Redux

Any building should now, and always, be desirable; therefore, we should be in the business of making desirable buildings. There is some value in appreciating a job well done, and pleasure in the recognition of others; however, if it is truly a desirable building, it will be evident. Clear manifestations of acute judgment, successful measurement, […]

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